/ Polaar /


Picture of a very snowy mountain, with many trees and a beautiful blue sky

UX/UI Designer, Art Director

Client work



Design team
Ophélie Aubert
Pauline Seilles

The story starts in 1976, on the deck of the Vagabond, and takes the form of a family saga whose origins lie in the snowy scenery of the world's most remote regions. Polaar created a skincare brand as distinctive as its ingredients by finding rare and unique flora while exploring the tundra.
Thanks to Polaar's resounding success, the brand's e-commerce site could not keep up. However, with a new branding, website & social media presence, Polaar was ready to face new challenges.

Mockup of Polaar's website pages, desktop version
Mockup of Polaar's website pages, mobile version
Mockup of Polaar's instagram story, on five panels

My tasks in this project
- sketch & wireframing

- Art direction
- UI design

- responsive UI Design

- social media timeline & post creation

As a Junior Art Director, Polaar was a superb project. I was involved in all the branding steps, from the photoshoots to logo creation to social media posts for Instagram and Facebook.

As my first e-commerce website, it was a fantastic learning opportunity: mixing classic e-commerce functionality with branding, especially with skincare's subtle and delicate nature.
Polaar has a special and distinctive history which is a significant selling point. To that effect, I incorporated as much of the brand's history as I could on the website and their social media pages.

Polaar's design

Here a few screens made for Polaar new website

Design of Polaar's homepage, on desktopDesign of Polaar's ethics chart, on desktop
Design of Polaar's product category, on desktopDesign of Polaar's product page, on desktopDesign of Polaar's blog, on desktop