/ Braaxe /


Picture of two girls working together

Artistic Director, UX/UI Designer

Internal work



Design team
Ophélie Aubert
Adeline Pressard
Alexandre Turquois

Founded in 2012, Braaxe quickly set itself apart with an honest and cheerful branding and a unique digital marketing approach. Recognizing early on the force of social media for brands, they specialized in content curated for Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

While the previous website could still serve its purpose, it didn't reflect Braaxe new image and strategical stance. No more small website projects; the vision was to accompany a brand's digital presence with a cohesive strategy through every touchpoint.
The talent - also known as Braaxe's employees - is the force behind their success, and to celebrate that, we wanted to praise and highlight them.

Mockup of Braaxe's website in desktop
Mockup of Braaxe's project pages in mobile
Mockup of Braaxe's Transavia page, in desktop and mobile
Mockup of multiple projects desktop screens

My tasks in this project
- layout thinking
- art direction

- UI design

- layout animation

- responsive design

Since I'd manifested wanting to work on more internal projects, I quickly started working on the redesign. Thankfully, the general look&feel, as the tone of voice, were already determined.
More often than not, internal projects are more complex to execute since the client is, well, yourself and your colleagues. As a young designer eager to prove herself, many external pressures and personal expectations followed me.
However, since my only project was to create this website, I had the opportunity to push myself & my design. To ensure clear communication of my vision came together correctly, I animated screens. Moreover, the project's developer - Axel Gazeau - worked right next to me, allowing me to confront my ideas with him directly.

Our 12 project pages were the website's heart: each one was unique to showcase the thorough & extensive work created for our clients. As challenging as it was, the result is fantastic. I am very proud of the work Axel & I put together.

Project pages

For each client presentation, we made a unique design, specific to their brand's identity

Design of Théâtre du Châtel project pageDesign of Transavia project page
Design of Jacadi project pageDesign of Sushi Shop project page
Gif showing transition between people in team page
Gif showing the animation between the site and the culture page